Gary Vaynerchuk-Ultimate Advice For Fitness Entrepreneurs

It is important to know fitness industry is growing and getting huge year by year, for instance, there are 174 million club members worldwide. And The health club revenue in just the United States in the period from 2000 to 2019 was about $35.03 million USD.

It’s always good to get ideas from a great businessman about the health and fitness industry and what health and fitness entrepreneurs lost in their business to work. for this, we’ve chosen one of the greatest entrepreneurs to see his idea about the health and fitness business.

As you may know, Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company, and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the company’s 5 locations.

Gary believes all fitness entrepreneurs are going for what is easy. And that isn’t going to pan out if they are serious about becoming a business person. Just like I knew being a great business person wouldn’t pan out if I didn’t get healthy.

He thought Fitness entrepreneurs want to do the minimal work and still expect a huge return. As a personal trainer doing push-ups, squats, and dead-lifts is easy. But the problem is you’re doing training, so you will be good in training, but not in business. They default to what is easy without recognizing what is hard: running an actual business.

He said Fitness “entrepreneurs” want to pass on replying to tweets all day to get the word out. They want to pass off the marketing. They want to pass off working hard to create a great fitness interesting post or doing a bunch of podcasts to get a larger audience. They want to go straight for the mirror selfie so you can get a bunch of Instagram likes, then call that their “business”.he believes it’s not enough.

He said, he has sympathy for how long it can take for something to come together in a big way. And getting thousands and thousands of emails a year from people saying they’ve been working for months at something and they aren’t seeing results. It can be disheartening. In a weird way, working out has shown me that more than anything else.

That’s why I say to you: just start the work now. Do it. Work hard. Be diligent. Do not let up. You have the body. You have the chops. You did all that. Now get to the business side of things and grow that muscle too.

 Some advice from Gary:

  1. Fitness & health entrepreneurs should stop! Stop marketing their fitness business like it’s 1997 or 2004.
  2. Use social media all the time such as Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat. Of course, people are still using email. But not too much.
  3. Grabbing your audience’s attention.

Resource from Gary Vaynerchuk website.