One of the most popular substances that humans need in order to live is found in plain, clean water. This life-giving liquid is necessary for each bodily function—from inhaling oxygen through breathing to the blinking of the eyes. Every human cell is made up of water. If there’s no sufficient supply, cells will eventually dry out and perish.
The total weight of the body is composed roughly of 70% water. Breaking it down into smaller amounts, people’s blood is made up of 90% water, muscles 75%, brain 95%, and lungs 90%. See how useful water is inside the human body? All vital parts of the body benefit a lot from what water can do to the entire system.
Water consumption is a nutritious liquid food that has great direct effects on fitness and health. What is needed is to drink enough water every day. People who drink five glasses of 8-ounce water every day are 50% more likely to live although they have heart disease than those who only drink two glasses or less every day.
Water also helps the body to normalize the right temperature. The body perspires when its temperature changes. It is the natural way of causing the body temperature to become lower. Also, water helps in keeping the normal pH balance inside the body.

In all possibilities, the body’s pH level must be 7 or a little bit higher. If the pH level turns acidic, the probability of getting sick and vitamin
deficiency will increase significantly. Aside from the usual water consumption, taking one to two ounces of apple cider every day will turn the pH level of the body more alkaline.
For digestion purposes, water is important for vitamins and minerals absorption. Water assists in metabolizing the body fat and in giving recovery from physical work and exercise. Water keeps the brain functioning well, joints to have lubrication, and blood to circulate properly.
For nutritional value, how much amount of water should people drink every day? The right answer will depend on different aspects, which include the level of physical movement, surroundings, and general condition of health including sex.
Here are some helpful guidelines on the suitable amount of water to drink:

Required Amount of Water
1. To prevent the formation of kidney stones, it is recommended to drink 10 glasses of water, equivalent to 2 liters.
2. For pregnant females, it is recommended to drink water at least 2.3 liters each day. For women who breastfeed, 3.1 liters are needed. It is also suggested that men should drink 3 liters of water every day and women 2.2 liters.
3. The quickest way to know the body has enough liquid or not is to observe the color of your urine. Light yellow or colorless urine means you have enough water inside the body. You should also release about 1.5 liters or 6 cups of urine every day.
Bear in mind that consumption of water must be increased when you are ill, especially when you have a fever. You should also drink more water during the hot summer season and while you are exercising. With enough liquid in the body, you will get the best fitness and nutrition you need.

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