Running is in itself one of the very best things you can possibly do to improve your health and it has numerous highly beneficial effects on the body. These range from increasing muscle mass in the legs, to lowering your heart rate to helping you to burn more calories.
But while all this is true, it’s not just the running that is so good for you. Equally important is a simple fact that you’re outdoors, which actually has incredible benefits all on its own. Read on and we’ll examine some of these benefits.
The first big benefit of the outdoors comes from the sun. When you run, you expose yourself to the sun’s rays. While these can be harmful in high doses, they’re also critical for our health in many other ways. For starters, they encourage the production of vitamin D. This not only helps to strengthen your bones but also improves sleep and testosterone production. The sun also gives us a healthy, natural glow that comes from being tanned.

Nobody is entirely sure if ‘Earthing’ is definitely beneficial but it’s something that a lot of people claim is. Essentially, the idea is that by coming into direct contact with the ground when you sit on it or touch it, you can actually help to restore the body’s correct charge, potentially combating inflammation. Some studies back this up but they aren’t particularly rigorous in their methodology. Either way, it certainly doesn’t hurt anyone!
Fresh Air
Fresh air is also highly beneficial for our health. For starters, it has been shown to significantly improve our circulation and also to improve our breathing. It aids with sleep and it boosts the immune system too!
Believe it or not, just being in nature can also be very good for us. This is because it has a profound effect on us psychologically – basking in nature helps to encourage the release of ‘feel good hormones’ and to lower stress levels. It has even been shown to increase creativity, which is one reason that you often come up with your best ideas while going for walks.
And even the weather can be good for you! Contrary to popular belief, getting some exposure to cold air is actually a good thing. That’s because it gently taxes your immune system, acting as a kind of ‘training’ for it and thereby strengthening it in the long run.