Professor Kaukab Azeem

Professor Kaukab Azeem

Partner and Speaker

Dr. Kaukab is a speaker and partner of The International Association of Strength and Conditioning (IASC).

Dr.Kaukab Azeem is basically from Hyderabad, India, and received his Ph.D. from Osmania University, India in the year 2006. He is currently working as faculty in the Physical Education Department at the King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Strong expertise in lecturing fitness/ health education, nutrition, sports activities, weight training, and other Health & Physical Education courses.

He had produced outstanding bodybuilders of National & International reputation and trained many top sportsmen as fitness coach. Dr.Kaukab possesses a strong background in fitness & bodybuilding as a former bodybuilder and an International fitness & bodybuilding (AFBF) Coach/Judge & a University chief coach. He won a Gold medal in the World strength lifting championship in the Kingdom of Bahrain, in Feb 2015.

Dr.Kaukab was honored by receiving the Best teacher award 2015 at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia. Received Best research paper award at International Conference on Sports Medicine and Fitness, March 23-25, 2015 at Chicago, USA.

Dr.Kaukab had recently awarded for his excellent services to the development of Sports Science by the Directors of the Board of International Science Culture and Sport Association, Turkey, 2017. Dr.Kaukab Receives Highest International Award for contribution in the Field of Physical Education and Sports Science from IFPEFSSA Award 2019, at World Congress on Sports Science + Sports Medicine, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain, From 22 to 25 APRIL, 2019.

his research work focuses on strength training, physical activity, aerobics, health & performance, obesity, and changes in body Composition. He had published more than 90 research papers in various International Journal and International conference proceedings. He had published 02 books and 02 books are in pipeline. He is also serving as a supervisor for students M.Phil and Ph.D. programs. Dr.Kaukab had also delivered as 30 invited speakers and about 35 presentations in International conferences and congresses and attended Pre-Olympic Congress in China 2008 and London 2012. He is a Member of the Editorial Boards of 20 International Journals.

He is the Vice President of the World Strength lifting Federation and the President of the Asian Strength lifting Federation. President of the International Federation for Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games. Life member of the Indian Federation of Computer Science in Sports.

Guest Editor, American Journal of Sports Science, USA. Scientific adviser for a foundation for Global Community Health (GCH), USA. Visiting Professor, Ministry of Education & Culture, Faculty of Sports Sciences, UNY, Indonesia 2020-21. Recently, during the pandemic invited as Speaker in more than 90+ International webinars.