Everything You Need to Know to Start Running

Before you start running:


   Set a goal. Write it down.

   Think about the benefits.




      Pigeon pose

      Deep squat


   Warm up with light cardio or power walking.


While running:


   Focus on your breath.


   Listen to your body.


   Focus on your form.


After running:



   Cool down.

   Keep track of your progress.







   Relax your shoulders and keep them even.

   Loosen your arms so that they can swing forward.

   Loosen your fist.

   Open your chest.

      Lean slightly forward and keep a stable core.

      Practice looking forward. Try not to look down.

      As you run, imagine your body being pulled up by a string.


   Engage your glutes.


   Incorporate core exercises into your weekly routine.


   Pay attention to where you strike your feet.


      Ideally, you should land in the middle of your feet and gradually shift weight to your toe before taking another step.

      Try to land gently!

      Use your back leg to propel yourself forward.


   Aim for shorter, quicker strides.

      Aim for a running cadence of 180, or 180 footfalls per minute.





The goal of this plan is to walk 100 – 185 minutes each week.


Start small on your first week and gradually increase your walking time until you reach or exceed the maximum time recommended.


Schedule for each week:


   Monday. Walk 15 – 20 minutes.

   Tuesday. Walk 25 – 40 minutes.

   Wednesday. Take a rest or walk 15 – 20 minutes.

   Thursday. Walk 25 – 40 minutes.

   Friday. Rest.

   Saturday. Walk 35-60 minutes.

   Sunday. Rest.







Schedule three sessions each week and follow this plan:


   Week 1. For each session this week:

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then, alternate 1 minute running and 90 seconds walking. Follow this interval for 20 minutes.

   Week 2. For each session this week:

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then, alternate 90 seconds running and 2 minutes walking. Follow this interval for 20 minutes.

   Week 3. For each session this week:

      Start with the usual 5-minute walk.

      Then, there are two alternating intervals:

      First, do a 90-second run and 90-second walk.

      Then, do a 3-minute run and 3-minute walk.

      Repeat these intervals two times.

   Week 4. For each session this week:


      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Run for 3 minutes.

      Walk for 90 seconds.

      Run for 5 minutes.

      Walk for 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

      Run for 4 minutes.

      Walk for 90 seconds.

      Run for 5 minutes.

   Week 5. The three running sessions you’ll have on week 5 will each have a different variation:


      Variation 1 (first session this week):

      Start with a 5-minute walk and then run for 5 minutes.

      Walk for 3 minutes.

      Then follow that up with another 5-minute run.

      Walk for another 3 minutes.

      Complete the session with a 5-minute run.

      Variation 2 (second session this week):

      Start with a 5-minute walk

      Then run for 8 minutes.

      Walk for 5 minutes.

      Complete the run by running for 8 minutes.

      Variation 3 (third session this week):

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then run for 20 minutes.


   Week 6. Youll have a different variation for each session:


      Variation 1.

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then run for 5 minutes.

      Walk for 3 minutes.

      Then follow that up with an 8-minute run.

      Walk for another 3 minutes.

      Finish with a 5-minute run.

      Variation 2.

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then run for 10 minutes.

      Walk for 3 minutes.

      Complete the run by running for another 10 minutes.

      Variation 3.

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then run for 25 minutes.


   Week 7. For all three sessions:

      Begin with your usual 5-minute walk.

      Then run for 25 minutes straight.

   Week 8. For all three sessions:

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then finish with a 28-minute run.

   Week 9. For all three sessions:

      Start with a 5-minute walk.

      Then end with a 30-minute run.








   Walk for one minute.

   Run for one minute.

   Repeat this for 20 minutes.

   Each week increase your running interval by 30-60 seconds until you can comfortably run for 10 minutes without stopping.